Walt Disney invented feature animation by painting on plastic cels, Pixar reinvented the artform with computer graphics, and now Sandboxr is bringing animation to life with 3-D printers.
Animation fans, using Sandboxr’s web-based software via laptop or tablet, can digitally pose character models, change their scale, give them accessories, create scenes, and then 3-D print their custom-built result for less than the cost of a movie ticket.
3-D printed figurines already exist — MyRobotNation and FigurePrints offer similar services, allowing gamers to print models from World of Warcraft and Minecraft. But the interfaces for those sites have limited character flexibility, usually just a set of predefined poses and options. “Services like that are the tip of the iceberg,” says founder Berk Frei. “We’re trying to be the rest of the iceberg.”
What makes Sandboxr unique is how users experience some of the creative flexibility a professional animator does. All of the Sandboxr models are “rigged” — each model has a skeleton that a customer can pose like a doll, then print a souvenir of the experience. And, unlike the animators at movie studios, Sandboxr customers don’t have to learn complicated modeling software. The company has built an engine that lets people experiment with character poses using sliders to create sophisticated, animated poses, simply.
Frei is also passionate about taking the grunt work out of the process. “When I’m getting something ready for 3-D printing it’s not an easy process,” he says. “The printers choke on models with holes, multiple meshes, all these things that look visually impressive. Shelling models to reduce waste materials and adding drain holes takes a lot of time, but we’ve automated all of that. You’re going to save a lot of time using Sandboxr to post-process models.”
These automated features will do a lot to keep costs competitive with services like Shapeways. According to Frei, a 3.5-inch figure will cost approximately $20 to $25 and a 2.5-inch model will cost around $12, but final pricing is still to be determined.
To ensure that there are plenty of options for customers, the platform will be open to 3-D artists. Independent animators and toy designers will be able to post their characters and let fans interact with them in new and exciting ways. Frei says they’re also getting an “overwhelming” response from established videogame companies. “Game companies are excited for us to exist. They’ve made a game and the content already exists. We use the same model files and textures as they do to build the game so it’s an easy transition. Ultimately, we provide a store front that doesn’t cost anything to create and an infinite amount of inventory.”
The response has been so potent, Frei is looking into purchasing 40 ZCorp 3-D printers to keep up with initial demand. “We’ve decided we’re going to get capital equipment and build out our infrastructure, which is a bigger risk, but also gives us the ability to provide lower cost prints.”
For now, the site is in private beta, a Kickstarter campaign is imminent, but for those in the Salt Lake City area, the first Sandboxer project is on view at The Leonardo, a contemporary science museum.
Beyond the lively product, Sandboxr marks an important change in the industry. Most first-generation companies focused on 3-D printing were founded by engineers and focused on developing new, better hardware.
Frei and Sandboxr represent a new wave where designers are driving the technology in new directions increasingly through software. “Working with 3-D printing companies wasn’t that cool of an experience,” he says. “You’re just dropping your file off.”
Frei was introduced to 3-D printing while working as a CG animator in an arts-focused coworking space. He immediately understood the implications of the technology and had a vast library of digital content that could be printed. He also saw a huge problem. “You need to be a sophisticated designer to do anything cool with a 3-D printer,” says Frei. “My idea was to bridge the gap between an everyday person and 3-D printers.”
After evaluating systems from all the major manufacturers Frei found them lacking. He immediately got to work pitching investors on his software concept and recruited a team of engineers and 3-D artists to build the service. ”First and foremost I was thinking what a designer toy artist could do with Sandboxr,” says Frei. “Artists can collaborate with their fans.”
Frei also sees a big future for the product beyond games.
“We’re 3-D artists and game designers, but we built the system with customization in mind so that it can be interacted with in interesting ways,” he says. “I’ll be surprised what they’ll use it for — maybe cool jewelry, wedding cake toppers, who knows. I just want people to feel like they can be Tony Stark from Iron Man. They can design something in their computer and build it.”
All images: Courtesy of Sandboxr
Sandboxr's Animation Interface Offers Completely Customizable 3-D Printed Figurines
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Sandboxr's Animation Interface Offers Completely Customizable 3-D Printed Figurines